Certified Security Awareness: Ultimate C)SA1 Self Study Package

C)SA1 Online Video (coming in July 2018)
C)SA1 Electronic Book (Workbook)
C)SA1 Prep Guide
C)SA1 Exam

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The mile2 vendor neutral Certified Security Awareness 1 certification course is intended for anyone that uses a computer on the internet. Attendees will understand the security threats as well as the countermeasures associated with these attacks. Employees will learn that the weakest link in any security program is a poorly trained department.  This course teaches general security awareness as well as how to develop a strong security culture within your company’s community. The Social Engineering portion of the class is designed to teach the participants the skills used by Social Engineers to facilitate the extraction of information from an organization using technical and non-technical methods.

Computer fraud, black-hat hacking, cyber-terrorists; these phrases describe an innovative generation of criminals that use over-the-wire technology to attack us, steal from us and terrorize us. However, the best tool in their arsenal is not new. It is only used by the most experienced, the most dangerous, boldest hackers.

The mile2 Certified Security Awareness 1 program is innovative and trains students on how attacks are performed, the skills necessary to perform an attack, how to train people to identify an attack but most importantly:  how to train internal targets so that the training is effective and lasts.