Excel – Part Three

Microsoft Office Excel 2016 is the newest version of Microsoft’s popular spreadsheet program. This explores the advanced features in in Excel 2016. Students will cover how to automate worksheet functionality, audit worksheets, analyze data, work with multiple workbooks, export Excel data and import/export XML data.

Days : 1
Price :




  • Automating Worksheet Functionality
    • This lesson gives students the skills to dig into automating worksheet functionality. Along the way they will learn how to update worksheet properties, create and edit a macro, apply conditional formatting, and add data validation criteria to a workbook.
  • Auditing Worksheets
    • This lesson digs deeper into worksheets and students will learn here how to: trace cells, troubleshoot invalid data and formula errors, watch and evaluate formulas, and create a data list online.
  • Analyzing and Presenting Data
    • Now that your students are very well versed in worksheets, it’s time to move into a deeper look at data with this lesson. Students will learn here how to: create Sparklines, create scenarios, perform a what-if analysis, perform statistical analysis with the Analysis ToolPak, and create interactive data with Power View.
  • Working with Multiple Workbooks
    • Often times, users of Excel will be juggling multiple workbooks at once and this lesson takes a look at that skill. This lesson will teach students how to: consolidate data, link cells in different workbooks, and merge workbooks.
  • Exporting Excel Data
    • Your students have their data and they want to export it, well they can learn about that here. This lesson covers how to: export Excel data, import an delimited text file, integrate Excel data with the web, and create a web query.
  • Importing and Exporting XML Data
    • This course wraps up here with this lesson showing your students how to import and export XML data.

Private training is available for this course.