Testing Websites and Documents with Screen Reading Technologies SRT on iOS and Android

In this course you will learn how to: Test websites and common document formats using the most popular SRT on iOS and Android devices; Test content for clarity and reading order; Change preferences to emulate common user settings; Document findings and issues.

Days : 1
Price :




Course Outline
Types of screen reading technologies (SRTs)
Who uses SRTs?
Most commonly used SRTs
Overview of testing websites and documents with SRTs
What to look/listen for
Testing while viewing the screen
Testing while not viewing the screen
Establishing your testing and reporting methodology
Testing websites and documents with VoiceOver
Launching VoiceOver
Default settings and common user settings
Gestures and shortcuts for websites
Gestures and shortcuts for other documents
Testing websites and documents with TalkBack
Launching TalkBack
Default settings and common user settings
Gestures and shortcuts for websites
Gestures and shortcuts for other documents
From here
Testing using other SRTs
Task-based testing
Involving users
Maintaining and updating software and methodologies