Correlation Analysis

This three-hour module is for power users who want to learn how to calculate co-occurrence between fields and analyze data from multiple datasets. Topics will focus on the transaction, append, appendcols, union, and join commands.

Days : 2
Price :

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.



This course is part of the following Certifications:


To be successful, students should have a solid understanding of the following:

  • How Splunk works
  • Creating search queries
  • Lookups

Course Objectives

  • Calculate Co-Occurrence Between Fields
  • Analyze Multiple Datasets

Outline: Correlation Analysis (SCLAS)

Topic 1 – Calculate Co-Occurrence Between Fields

  • Understand transactions
  • Explore the transaction command

Topic 2 – Analyze Multiple Data Sources

  • Understand subsearch
  • Use the append, appendcols, union, and join commands to combine, analyze, and compare multiple data sources