Learn web programming with Microsoft-certified ASP.NET training courses in Winnipeg.
Although not revolutionary at the time of its conception, the object-oriented approach to web development that Microsoft took with ASP.NET significantly simplifies the work of a developer. It allows them to create reusable classes, standardize code with interfaces, extend existing classes with inheritance, and bundle useful functionality in a distributable, compiled component.
The advantages of such an approach are best illustrated in server-based controls. Server-based controls are the epitome of object-oriented programming. Developers can manipulate control objects programmatically using code to customize their appearance, provide data to display, and even react to events. Instead of forcing the developer to write raw HTML manually, the control objects render themselves to HTML just before the web server sends the page to the client.
The result is less time spent writing the actual material, and more time spent on high-level objectives such as overall maturity of an application, accomplishing relevant business goals, and so on.
ASP.NET training courses at ultimateITcourses’s Winnipeg branch allow students to take full advantage of the power of object-oriented programming with the help of ASP.NET.
Our Microsoft-certified instructors have years of industry experience, so you will be learning from some of the best in the field. A big part of most courses is comprised of labs and hands-on exercises, so when students complete the course they come back to work ready to use their newly-acquired skills.
Courses can be take both at the downtown Winnipeg branch or remotely using the virtual delivery technology TrainLive.
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