VSSO5: VMware vSphere: Skills for Operators v5.5

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About This Course


  • Completion of one of the following courses:

  • VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage [V5.5]

  • VMware vSphere: What’s New [V5.5]

  • VMware vSphere: Fast Track

Or equivalent knowledge and administration experience with ESXi and vCenter Server

Experience working at the command prompt is highly recommended.

Course Objectives:

By the end of the course, you should be able to do the following:

  • Configure and manage ESXi networking and storage for a large and sophisticated enterprise.
  • Manage changes to the vSphere environment.
  • Optimize the performance of all vSphere components.
  • Troubleshoot operational faults and identify their root causes.
  • Use VMware vSphere® ESXi™ Shell and VMware vSphere® Management Assistant to manage vSphere.
  • Use VMware vSphere® Auto Deploy™ to provision ESXi hosts.

Course Outline

Lesson 1: Course Introduction

  • Introductions and course logistics

  • Course objectives

Lesson 2:VMware Management Resources

  • Deploy and configure vSphere Management Assistant

  • Configure ESXi technical support mode and SSH access

  • Use the esxcli, vicfg, and vmware-cmd commands

  • Review ESXi and vCenter Server log files

Lesson 3:Performance in a Virtualized Environment

  • Review the vSphere performance troubleshooting methodology

  • Explain software and hardware virtualization techniques and their effects on performance

  • Use vSphere performance monitoring tools

Lesson 4:Network Scalability

  • Create, configure, and manage vSphere distributed switches

  • Migrate virtual machines from standard switches to distributed switches

  • Explain distributed switch features such as PVLANs, VMware vSphere® Network I/O Control, port mirroring, LACP, and NetFlow

Lesson 5:Network Optimization

  • Explain the performance features of network adapters

  • Explain the performance features of vSphere networking

  • Monitor key network performance metrics

  • Use vSphere Management Assistant to manage virtual network configurations

  • Troubleshoot common network performance problems

Lesson 6:Storage Scalability

  • Explain vSphere storage APIs for array integration and storage awareness

  • Configure profile-driven storage

  • Add a storage policy to a virtual machine storage profile

  • Configure VMware vSphere® Storage DRS™ and VMware vSphere® Storage I/O Control

Lesson 7:Storage Optimization

  • Diagnose storage access problems

  • Explain how storage protocols, VMware vSphere® VMFS configuration, load balancing, and queuing affect performance

  • Explain vSphere® Flash Read Cache™

  • Monitor key storage performance metrics

  • Use vSphere Management Assistant to manage virtual storage

  • Troubleshoot common storage performance problems

Lesson 8:CPU Optimization

  • Explain the CPU scheduler operation, NUMA support, and other features that affect CPU performance

  • Monitor key CPU performance metrics

  • Troubleshoot common CPU performance problems

Lesson 9:Memory Optimization

  • Explain ballooning, memory compression, and host swapping techniques for memory reclamation when memory is overcommitted

  • Monitor key memory performance metrics

  • Troubleshoot common memory performance problems

Lesson 10:Virtual Machine and Cluster Optimization

  • Describe performance guidelines for virtual machines, resource allocation settings, VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ clusters, resource pools, and VMware vSphere® High Availability admission control policies

  • Troubleshoot virtual machine power-on failures

  • Troubleshoot vSphere cluster problems

Lesson 11:Host and Management Scalability

  • Explain VMware vSphere® Distributed Power Management™

  • Use Host Profiles to manage ESXi configuration compliance

  • Use VMware vSphere® PowerCLI™ to perform vSphere administrative tasks

  • Use Image Builder to create an ESXi installation image

  • Use vSphere Auto Deploy to provision ESXi hosts




Who Should Attend

  • Experienced system administrators

  • Systems engineers

  • System integrators